Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Make Moonstone Maplestory

GIORGIO Lane - only between atoms

With this last post in January 2011, we return to the Songwriters' 70, a true mark of origin and for this period, a constellation Music proudly 'Made in Italy'.
A character from 'behind the scenes', upstanding professional, anonymous and probably just re-evaluated today, a true songwriter who has written a great sound in my opinion now difficult to find.

From Milan, then in 1970 young GIORGIO LaNeve, future electrical engineer, peered nel cantautorato nazionale .
'Armato' di una chitarra e della poesia , si fece timidamente largo nell'establishment musicale popolare , con il Folk , Leonard Cohen , Fabrizio De Andrè e George Brassens , probabilmente , come idoli pagani da venerare e prendere per modello .

La 'prima volta' in ambito discografico ebbe luogo proprio in quell'anno , dopo esser stato scritturato dalla Philips , diede vita al suo primo omonimo album "Giorgio Laneve" , che lo vede in chiaroscuro in una copertina , un po' alla maniera del Caravaggio , crepuscolare ed obumbrato , munito del suo strumento .
Il disco del 1970 resterĂ  , secondo me , il suo apice discografico e lirico , con all'interno intimi , introversi e delicate songs like "Looking for pink blue circles," "Chronicle of the city," "What about you", "Love came to my room tonight" and "Love Where Art Thou?" .
This last song (very beautiful song that will be his 'hit' as known) will be carried out as 45, with the melancholy and great "I am a wanderer" in the B side of the individual.
With this song, Lane will present the important manifestation of the 'Disco for the Summer', again in '70, alongside the most celebrated and renowned artists such as Reitano, Dorelli, Nomads, Berti, and many Gagliardi others (a total of 54 songs in the race, a real event).
The twenty-three, George Lane, beating criticism and adverse ruling, given his young age, he will place surprisingly among the twelve finalists (coming eighth, "Lady Barbara" Renato will be the winning song of the Prophets), bringing the front pages and hard-era audiences.
At first, the Milanese singer will be approached, a little 'to the aura of shadowy narrator, the figure unmatched by Luigi Tenco, who died a few years earlier in 1967, a comparison of everything wrong, always an argument rejected by the same Laneve .
must then point out that this comparison had a value very 'positive', because the same Tenco was not 'appreciated' from national magazines (entertainment, music and gossip), due to the introverted nature and his incredible 'rudeness', disinclined in the interviews and be photographed, not to mention his views 'against' the political and social system, now prevailing since the war.
In 1971, George Lane recorded a new single again for the Philips, entitled "The legend of the silver sea," with retrobrano "He opened his eyes," two genuine musical poetry that will end in his second 33 laps "Love is the Law," a disc that floats between the real and unreal, release much 'positivist', in which everything appears as a bright energy, where everything is reborn.

Opera important, in some respects 'cosmic', which are different (besides the two songs already mentioned) the songs are worthy of note, including a poem by Poliziano 'adapted' in musical key.
Autocostruitosi his working instrument, guitar, George Lane has always said that they feel 'Pop' in the usual sense of the term, but at the same time wanting to detach from the label of 'intellectual tout court', which uses difficult words but want to talk about the problems of the individual with the words 'beautiful'.
In 1973, Lane moves to Decca and released their third longplaying, 33 laps "A little practice ..." In this cover image in 'the negative', with his inseparable guitar.
Album also remarkable that contained the wonderful "When you search for the words," "The black man," and the song "Beautiful marchioness," Laneve made by the same translation of the song "Marquise" by Georges Brassens.
The following year, Lane decided to pursue a different path, music for children.
Interest 'fairy tales in music' would 'hit' in the same year, another great hero of Italian Song, Blanche Dubois with the album "It takes a flower" released in October '74 (Lauzi is also venturing in that direction, in the second part of his career, with considerable success by the way). Posted by Decca
always comes out as "Viva fantasy", a pleasant drive in which the sweetness of voice and approach 'Fabero' to nursery rhymes (for another already in the debut album, "The Knight and the Lady" for example) do the rest.
The new road taken by the singer-songwriter Lane, will have its sequel two years later, this time with a new label, Divergo Ricky Gianco.
In 1976 he released "Accents" album that addresses issues such as war and peace, ecology, solitude, with the vocals sung together by Laneve and children's vocal group 'The Green Apples' and the music clean and orchestrated, with the support of the battery, whether naively Funky at times.
This record remains to this day her latest album.
public in 1981, with the arrangement of Gianni Bobbio, a 45 on RCA containing the letters "Nasya Inspector," a TV show, also for children.
Piero Ciampi said he would "have all the credentials to be an artist," but George Lane, a gentle and persuasive voice leaning on the structure 'simple' only appearance created by his guitar, will be considered more just give up the their tracks in time, unfit for general public the media, for all those 'camouflage' song writing in a cultural phenomenon, a fad and nothing more.
A great singer, solitary 'bum' on the guitar, too soon forgotten and put aside. Followers et
Dear Visitors, then let his rock music, away from everyday stress.

Gentle and Forgotten Chansonnier.

"... As we are like stones, pebbles inert and immovable ..."


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