Monday, January 10, 2011

Get Facial Hair On Poptropica

Luigi Greco - The Country Road

For the series 'unrecognized and forgotten,' Staying on the theme of 'brothers' musicians.

From Veneto, Luigi De Gregori Padovano, aka Luigi Greco, is a guitarist and songwriter, Italian activities in the middle of the '70s, still 'on the road', but little remembered and celebrated by the media in general, probably because from the very 'start has been' overshadowed 'by his younger brother, born in Rome instead, a' this' Frank Sinatra's' Rimmeliana 'memory.

The young Louis grew between Pescara and Rome, where he attended the High School and later studied English literature at the University at the same time he learned to play guitar and a passion for Anglo-American Folk and Country music, then making many travel (a long and important presence in Ireland remembered in the song "Dublin").
the mid-'70s, he decided to pursue a musical career as a folk performer in the famous Folkstudio in Rome, a local history as the place of formation of all the so-called 'Roman school' of singer-songwriters, where he made important contacts with illustrious colleagues like Fabrizio De André and Edoardo De Angelis, accompanying on guitar even Joan Baez was already well known, during some of his television appearances on RAI.
The cost of living and the need for economic reforms and a more solid basis, probably convince him to move to Milan, where he keeps working as librarian (like his father).
Hired as a stage name of the mother's surname Grechi, published the first of 33 laps longplaying titled "Accused of freedom" in 1976 on the PDU label (label of Italian Switzerland, founded by Mina).
In the album there are some parts more convincing than others, including "My coat", a song of his most representative, then "Mattmark", "Men of the North" and the title track.
public in 1977, for the same label, self-titled album "Luigi Greece", which also contains two unreleased songs of his brother Francesco, meaning "red coral" and "The road has flourished," a disc when you feel a greater adherence the ballad American population.
Always with his brother, Greeks signature song "Dublin", published in the third and final album for the PDU, entitled "How are you?" , Released in 1979, produced with the participation of well-known musicians such as Roberto and Lucio Colombo 'Violin' Fabbri (already in a previous post of Pinzillacchere Music), where near a classic like "blind guitarist, stands a translation of" One of Us Can not Be Wrong "by Leonard Cohen, entitled" The Golden Rule. "
A varied album with a sound closer and closer to Folk Country Rock sound American, with Bob Dylan and Townes Van Zandt among the likely sources of influence.
Greece is 'censored' by the PDU, for a song (Presumably "Polmonidipiombo and Panciacromata"), a tough call to action in Seveso, maybe the worst environmental disaster in Italy, and after a long silence, followed in 1987 album "Dromomania" published by CBS.
In the meantime, however, continued his concert career, collaborating with artists such as Peter Rowan, Bluegrass and Country and American guitarist with the famous poet of the Beat Generation, Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
Luigi Greco is again no record deal, and always in the company of guitarist Ricky Mantoan, decided to make a self-produced cassette entitled euphemistic "Chance", published in 1990. The records also contain
la prima versione della sua canzone più celebre , "Il bandito e il campione" , ispirata alla storia dell'amicizia tra il celebre ciclista Costante Girardengo ed il bandito Sante Pollastri .
Tre anni dopo , nel 1993 , ironia della sorte , il brano "Il bandito e il campione" viene ripresa da Francesco De Gregori nell'album dal vivo (la canzone sopracitata è l'unico inedito) , vendendo oltre 500.000 copie .
Nello stesso anno , Luigi Grechi si 'consola' , in quanto per quel brano gli viene assegnata la targa per la miglior canzone dell'anno dal 'Premio Tenco' .
Nel 1994 trova il giusto contratto per la Sony Music , pubblica allora la sua versione ufficiale del "Il bandito e il campione" , insieme ad altre canzoni nuove e alcuni aggiornamenti di materiale dei primi album ormai irreperibili , all'interno dell'album "Girardengo e altre storie" .
Nel 1999 esce "Cosìvalavita" , forse il più chitarristico dei suoi lavori , contenente brani inediti ed ancora alcune canzoni precedenti con nuovi arrangiamenti .
Nel 2003 pubblica l'album "Pastore di nuvole" , registrato dal vivo nel suo studio personale con lo stesso gruppo di musicisti che lo segue nei suoi concerti (chiamati la 'Bandaccia') , disco di nuovi inediti , ricchissimo di chitarre (elettriche , acustiche , pedal steel guitar) e fisarmoniche , con alcuni brani degni di nota , tra cui "Venti gradi sotto zero" , "Stivali e Tequila" , "Le vespe" , "Supergatto" and "What do you want from me."
In 2005 they self again, a mini-CD containing four tracks already edited and rearranged, with the title "Champion of no value", with the aim of making available its material, now difficult to find.
In 2006 participates in the implementation of the second album by Andrea Parodi and the following year, still autoproducendosi, released the CD "Rust" a real version of 'scope' of the previous mini-CD, a recording 'home' full of warmth , which produces material no longer available for some time.
Influenced by America, both the rural and desert, his Country Rock is the music blends with both the Irish folk song e popolare Italiana , esperienze vissute sulla propria pelle attraverso la Musica .
Ormai 'rimosso' dalla stampa e dalla critica musicale , LUIGI GRECHI resta un personaggio piuttosto atipico nel panorama della Musica Italiana , che non ha mai voluto 'emergere' per la popolarita' , ma semplicemente esprimersi e cantare fatti reali e quotidiani .
Augurando nuovamente un buon 2011 , Vi invito ad un rilassato e comodo ascolto di questo bravissimo e dimenticato Artista .

Old Country Rocker Dylaniato .

"... e sarei ricco e famoso se non I had known ... "


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