Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jeep Liberty License Plate Mount

metti un finocchio a cena..

I confess that I did not write of this story, one of the usual dismal attempts of the half notch largest the past 150 years to throw mud on others to take second place to the dirt that is found on him.
Enemies me I choose and in virtue of this choice to recognize them a sort of dignity: I can apply only to certain other indifference because for me it is not worth anything and I consider them as such, it is also why I did not want to write of this fact.
I decided to do it because I received an invitation to participate in a dissent through an initiative created specifically for this.
Some of you already know that besides this blog I I have another specifically designed to give voice to my passion as a chef messy, LaCaloriaSolitaria , created just over a year ago after quite a while 'of time hanging out in the world of food bloggers as simple fan and occasional commentator.
I discovered a world I did not expect huge numbers that runs under many points of view, but especially where it creates a kind of complicity between the various bloggers, depending on the line: it affects the desire to share that is not only an exchange of simple recipes because they become a conduit for cultural exchange and human, in some cases is very deep and intense.
The type of people that make up this category of bloggers is quite diverse, ranging from home with the kids finally are pensioner who has time to cultivate his passion in more detail, from the novice to the kitchen for food service professionals. It 'a very interesting cross-section of society who share a passion for food and cooking.
one of these people are playing the 'initiative called "Put fennel dinner - Enjoy Mister B. "
inviting all food bloggers and anyone who wants to propose to attend the 10th November a recipe fennel as an ingredient to be used to symbolically express their disagreement with this fact di cronaca specifico e più in generale contro un clima di omofobia che diventa sempre più intollerabile.
Io ho deciso di appoggiarlo perché parte dal basso , da quella base fatta di persone comuni che molto spesso temiamo non siano per nulla sensibili alla nostra causa. Evidentemente il limite è stato oltrepassato anche per loro. Questo post era per segnalarvi l'iniziativa, quello specifico lo pubblicherò nell'altro blog il giorno mercoledì 10 novembre 2010.


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