Monday, April 5, 2010

Bulma Y Vegeta Doujinshi

Diva e Nonna Easter Egg

The sun in the middle looks like a table spread, light green like a flowery meadow in spring, fragrant and delicious food, naughty jokes Dive Scirocco a bit ' play at the cooks apron with the order, a bit 'debating art and life and sex, sometimes veiled look behind you spot a few words bitter, but it passes quickly because the circle of love is stronger than malinconia e ci si lascia avvolgere da un abbraccio che allo stesso tempo ti sostiene e ti protegge. E così tra una portata di verdure ed un'altra di carne, innaffiate da vini ricchi di sfumature violacee ed effluvi che ammaliano, di dolci ricchi di creme golose decorati con vezzose ciliege candite, anche i corpi si lasciano sciogliere e conquistare dalle coccole, e si adagiano sul sofà, vicini tra loro, posati ed abbracciati a cuscini fioriti o a bambole di pezza. Il crepitio della legna che brucia nel caminetto, il chiacchericcio della cocorita in sottofondo, le nostre storie da raccontare e condividere. E non importa se fuori piove, se il sole non arriva come avevamo desiderato, è lì dentro con noi che scalda il cuore.
I saluti are always a bit 'sad, because we want to make this relationship of daily sharing and closeness, but it's nice to know that there is a place called Friendship that looks like a peaceful harbor, where we moor at a time when we had to find immersed in the storm.
This story is dedicated to those who could not be there, because they can, even if indirectly, own a bit 'in the heart of that sun which we have brought in at the time to say goodbye.

To others, I hope, is the desire to do a more detailed description of all the juicy details and background, because those are essential.
For Bubus special thanks for always being the perfect hosts, friendly and extremely available, as well as LVM , to be always at the forefront when proposing and organizing events.


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