Saturday, February 19, 2011

Para Que Se Usa

our sorrow for noureddine

The revolution of jasmine in Tunisia born out of extreme protest of a young man beset by the need to survive and forced by local police to remove his banchettino. The young man set fire to despair. Knew he could not fight against the corrupt police who was clear, had a relative in the army or organized crime would continue to work on the dusty streets of Tunis. Not him, he could not rebel but he could not even imagine that his gesture would end many of his peers was inspired to overthrow the Tunisian regime and start a new season.
In Palermo something happened like that. Noureddine Adnan, one of the many anonymous faces that you meet in the city while looking for scarves, hats and necklaces, found himself in front of a local police patrol, according to the rules imposed by the city council, provides for the immediate evacuation of all walking and wandering, a fine salty and the possibility of expulsion for those who is without a residence permit. Noureddine set himself on fire, as happened to other peers in the Arab countries who want more social justice.
We bow in front of our brother Noureddine Adnane, who died in the burns ward of the Civic Hospital of Palermo, where he was hospitalized after his act of protest both ends, and his death is an indictment of the ruling classes barbaric e cieche, incapaci di umanità e di cogliere le ricchezze e le opportunità che derivano dal contatto con altre culture.
Oggi è il giorno del dolore e del lutto.
Davanti a noi sta la necessità di rafforzare, giorno per giorno,  l'impegno per cambiare l'inaccettabile stato di cose presenti, in Sicilia e nel paese, per affermare l'idea di una società dove ci sia posto per tutti e tutte.


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