Thursday, September 9, 2010

Breadmaker By Mr Coffee

Massimo Altomare - the

Un altro bravissimo Artista , a modo suo un Genio Pop vero e proprio , sottovalutato ed incompreso fin troppo dalla 'intellighenzia' musicalpopolare nazionale (pubblico , stampa specializzata , radio e media vari ...) e decisamente degno di essere ricordato seppur in questa umile e poco edificante sede .

The Veronese Massimo Altomare, musically active since 1973, was a period of moderate fame thanks to the duo formed together with Frank Loy (son of the great filmmaker Nanni Loy), called Loy & Altomare precisely.
The duo in question had a rather successful 'niche', without ever landing on the charts will take part in events to cry, followers of the acoustic singer-songwriters from overseas, so that in the period between '73 and '74 they recorded a few tracks made sounds but treated with the dominant guitar, harmonica and other instruments confidential , So as to create a friendly and spontaneous.
As Loy & Altomare were recorded three albums ("Portobello" in 1973 for the CGD, a second disc titled "Light" in '74, CBS, and a weblog last longplaying, "Lago di Vico ( mt.507), five years later, in 1979, again for CBS), showing that Italy then as a sort of 'Simon & Garfunkel de'noantri', maybe less talented and famous, but certainly more sympathetic and without arrogance, clean and nice-sounding voice in particular, by 'catchiness never annoying, telling stories common, easy identification for students and young not at that time.
The first solo single Massimo Altomare and 1977, for CBS, entitled "The River" , back with the song "Lee Gato", however, that individual does not differ music by the duo .
With the advent of the '80s, after twelve years of living in Rome, the duo moved to Florence, and although the singer still in vogue, the 'artistic liaison' pair of worn and split up.

In Florence, in 1982 he founded the GAS (Global Art System), which will produce Litfiba among others, fashion and Aperture.
ironic and light-hearted, influenced by new sounds, Altomare is a Gascon and approach with an air of 'Wave' to a 'classic' Italian of all time, by Emi able to publish the 45 "L 'ivy', a song that Nilla Pizzi and Tonina Torrielli had successfully presented at the Festival of Sanremo in '58, placing in the B side, a delicious Reggae Cha-Cha, entitled "Peppino e Dalida" in which Max finds 'Checks' Loy as co-author.
Altomare will carry out a hilarious video in which jokingly claimed paternity music.
In 'dominant' of Tuscany, Massimo Altomare comes into contact with the 'New Wave' Fiorentina, who started all the rage at that time, known as the bassist Roberto Terzani (Bolognese musician, former and future Windopen Litfiba) and especially Ernesto De Pascale (journalist, radio host, musician, independent producers, working with Radio Three, currently writes for many important Italian and foreign music magazines, award-winning for its artistic merits), 'deus ex machina' of HypnoDance, band active from 1984 to optimize a tasty blend of Blues, Soul, Rock and Wave.
Entrato dal 1988 al '90 nel gruppo in pianta stabile , Altomare darà vita con gli HypnoDance ad una lunga serie di esperienze in studio e dal vivo fatta di oltre cento concerti in meno di due anni (con loro ha pubblicato nel 1989 "Hypnodance" ed "In the city" nel 1990 , collaborando anche con la formazione Effetto Notte , ambizioso progetto multimediale diviso tra musica e cinema , con il cd "Il Poliedro di Leonardo" del 1989 , etichetta Cgd) .
Sempre nel 1988 , sempre con il supporto di Terzani e De Pascale , pubblica "Il Grande Ritmo dei Treni Neri" , il suo primo album solista , un disco fresco e gradevolissimo , pubblicato da Rca , con alcuni brani di rilievo tra cui "Soddisfatti o rimborsati" , "Perdo il sonno" e "Savoir faire" (ripresa anche 'on stage' con gli HypnoDance) ; il 33 giri , sebbene ottenga recensioni discretamente favorevoli , passerà purtroppo iniquamente inosservato dal grande pubblico .
Stessa sorte toccherà alla sua seconda pubblicazione solista , "Un'ora di libertà" , ancora per la Rca , nel 1990 .
L'album , intriso di ironia e gradevolmente eclettico , sebbene riceva modesti apprezzamenti dalla stampa musicale (piuttosto 'misurati' come per il precedente , quando si dice 'il braccino corto' ...) With some excellent pieces (I personally prefer "The picture of health" and "Do not wake me"), not just the hype by the record label, with rare radio broadcasting, it passes unnoticed again.
Massimo Altomare also experienced in the field of 'film' with some soundtracks (the first even in 1977, titled "Do not count on us") and later, in ttratto from Swing and Jazz, has always participated at the 1990 tribute to Fred Hammond, "My dear friend Fred" and "Turn down your radio in 2000, a tribute to the Italian music of the '30s e '40 , anni in cui era severamente proibito l'ascolto del Jazz , dello Swing e di tutto ciò che veniva dall'America .
Nel 2004 esce per la Venus Distribuzione , il cd "Sound of Humor" , accompagnato da un quintetto Jazz , ancora un omaggio di cover al repertorio anni '30 e '40 , principalmente a tutti quegli autori (tra cui Lelio Luttazzi , Marchesi , Rodolfo De Angelis , Rascel , Bruno Martino) che , proprio grazie all' ironia , sono sopravvissuti alla guerra ed alla censura .
Nel 2007 , grazie all'ormai consolidata amicizia e sodalizio con il grande Stefano Bollani (vera Eccellenza Italiana in ambito musicale) , It is a reissued masterpiece entitled "The Gnosis of fanfole," published in 1998 by Sonic (only sold a thousand copies, the label is then fouled ...), sung in 'Fanfolese', the idiom pataphysical composed of invented words, meaningless except to those conferred on them by their own sound, created by the 'Poetry Metasemantica' by Fosco Maraini, Dacia Maraini's most famous father, who died in 2004.
The CD is printed and attached to the book of the same name (published by Baldini Castoldi Dalai), an attempt by the two artists to compose songs that recall something that already exists without bordering on plagiarism, where recognizable melodic elements are used differently, thus creating unique sound.
Altomare In 2010, the versatile back on the 'crime scene', released the new "Outing" (Wing / Edel), a beautiful cd that approximates the atmosphere of the duo with Loy, a welcome return.
Artist brilliant and ironic, shrewdly eclectic, Massimo Altomare over the years has wisely put to the test and in continuous discussion, with different musical styles and genres, but that is little mentioned, given the unconventional nature.
'Paladin' abused and forgotten of Italians Artists, lo inserisco a pieni voti e con pieno diritto nelle pagine di questo blog , con l'auspicio che Voi , miei imberbi e canuti Melomani , Audiofili senza timor alcuno , possiate goderne ascoltandolo in questo piacevole e settembrino 'ripping' vinilitico .

Supremo Anelito Pop .

"... vivo alla giornata , prendendo tutto come viene ..."


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