Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Peace,love,and Dance Tattoo



(based on Articles. 4 and 4a of Law on December 9, n. 431)

Agreement between InquiliniSUNIA unions, SICET, Uniat, Tenants Union, Ania, the Feder.Casae COORDINATION OWNERS IMMOBILIARIANPE-Federproprietà, ASPPI, CONFAPPI, Uppi
General criteria for the achievement of agreements to be defined at the conclusion of local subsidized leases to meaning of ' art. 2, paragraph 3, of Law December 9, 1998, No 431 , and the leases of transient rental agreements for university students within the meaning of ' art. 5, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of the Law

1 (General criteria for the determination of the canons of concessional leases in territorial bargaining)

Territorial Agreements, in accordance with the stated purpose to ' article 2, paragraph 3, of Law December 9, 1998, No 431 , provide bandwidths of rent, within which - according to the characteristics of the building and property unit - It is agreed between the parties, the fee for each contract.
Following the meetings initiated by municipalities, either individually or in a partnership, or, in the absence of timely convening its own initiative, the organizations of the property and construction of the conductors most representative at local level, in pursuit of the agreements referred to paragraph 1, identify, having acquired information regarding the boundaries - when made - the census micro-zones, sets of areas with similar characteristics to
market values,
equipment infrastructure (public transport, public parks, education and health services, commercial equipment, etc.)
building types, taking into account the classes and categories land. Within the homogeneous areas identified under this subparagraph may be highlighted areas of particular value or of particular deprivation.
For each area and any area, regional agreements, with reference to the same criteria for identifying homogeneous areas, should include a minimum and a maximum value of the fee.
In defining the actual rent, located between the minimum and maximum bandwidths of the contractual parties, assisted - at their request - by their most representative trade union organizations, shall take into account the following elements:
type of accommodation;
state of repair of the accommodation and the entire stable housing
appliances (parking, garage, basement, etc.)
presence of common areas (patios, green spaces, indoor sports halls, etc..)
provision of technical services (lift , or central heating, air conditioning, etc..)
any provision of furniture.
For insurance companies, banks, institutions privatized, the funds, foundations, individuals owners of real estate - even if located in a diffuse way and split the country - and for those properties that will be identified in regional agreements for each municipality, the taxes are defined - within the minimum and maximum limits for the homogeneous areas and any areas as identified above, the territorial contracts - according to special supplementary agreements between the owners concerned and the trade unions of the construction and properties of the conductors of the signatories to the National Convention and / or regional agreements related. Such supplementary agreements may provide special conditions to provide for the needs of special categories of conductors.
For public social security institutions, proceed with additional regional agreements concluded between the parties and in the manner described above, keeping in mind the current regulations, the fees relating to such fund shall be determined based on areas and any homogeneous areas and on the issues identified in regional agreements. With equal
mode, you can proceed with the signing of additional agreements with the participation of businesses or business associations of employers in relation to the renting of apartments intended to satisfy the housing needs of non-resident workers and immigrants the EU or not. The contracts will be signed with the direct beneficiaries will be governed by '
art. 2, paragraph 3, of Law December 9, 1998, No 431 .
Territorial Agreements may provide contractual maturities greater than the minimum set by law provided for in this case, the relevant measures of increased values \u200b\u200b(minimum and maximum) of the bandwidths of fees in defined fields.
types of contracts are approved, respectively, for the properties referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6 of this article (sub Annex A) and individual properties (sub Annex B).
The provisions of Sections apply to both municipalities and regional agreements referred to in Article 1 of Decree Law of 30 December 1988, n. 551, ratified by Law 21 February 1989, No 61, the other municipalities.
Leases referred to in this Article shall be entered using only the types of contracts referred to in paragraph 9.
The contracting parties may be assisted by their organizzazioni sindacali maggiormente rappresentative.

2 (Criteri per la definizione dei canoni dei contratti di locazione di natura transitoria e durata degli stessi)

I contratti di locazione di natura transitoria di cui all’ art. 5, comma 1, della legge del 9 dicembre 1998, n. 431 , hanno durata non inferiore ad un mese e non superiore a diciotto mesi. Tali contratti sono stipulati per soddisfare particolari esigenze dei proprietari e/o dei conduttori per fattispecie da individuarsi nella contrattazione territoriale – che dovrà dare particolare rilevanza alle esigenze della mobilità lavorativa – tra le organizzazioni Property and construction trade unions most representative of the tenants.
For properties under Article. 1 Sections 5 and 6 shall, in the places referred to in paragraph 4 below, by means of local supplemental agreements, concluded between the parties and in the manner provided for subsidized contracts.
types of contracts are approved for the property referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 1 (Annex C) and for individual properties (Appendix D below). Such contracts include a clause that specifically identifies the need for transient landlord and / or conductor, which must confirm the occurrence of the same by registered mail to be sent before the expiry of the deadline nel contratto. Qualora il locatore non adempia a questo onere contrattuale oppure siano venute meno le cause della transitorietà, la durata del contratto e’ ricondotta a quella prevista all’
articolo 2, comma 1, della legge 431/98 .L’esigenza transitoria del conduttore deve essere provata con apposita documentazione da allegare al contratto.
I canoni di locazione dei contratti transitori nelle undici aree metropolitane (Roma, Milano, Venezia, Genova, Bologna, Firenze, Napoli, Torino, Bari, Palermo e Catania), nei comuni con esse confinanti e nei comuni capoluogo di provincia, sono definiti dalle parti all’interno dei valori minimi e massimi stabiliti per le fasce rocking for homogeneous areas, as outlined in paragraph 1.In the event of lack of agreement at the local level, the reference values \u200b\u200bare those defined by the conditions laid down '
Article 4, paragraph 3 of Law 431/98 . In the same regional agreements, which identify the minimum and maximum values \u200b\u200bexpress in euro / sqm useful or, according to local custom, may be provided for special provisions relating to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.
Leases referred to in this Article shall be entered using only the types of contracts referred to in paragraph 3 above.
The contracting parties may be assisted by their trade unions most representative.

3 (Criteria for the definition of lease fees for university students and the same duration)

In cities with universities, university courses and specialization seconded, and the surrounding towns, the regional agreements should provide for specific contracts to meet the needs of university students out sede.Questa type of contract may be used only if the tenant is enrolled in a degree program in a municipality other than the address (to be specified in the contract). The contracts affected by this case have lasted from six months to three years (renewable the first due date, unless notice of the conductor) and can be signed or the individual student or groups of students off-site or by companies for the right to study.
Rents, this type of contract are set out in local agreements based on the bandwidths for homogeneous areas laid down in regional agreements (paragraph 1). In the same local agreements will identify measures for its increase or decrease in the intervals of oscillation depending on length contrattuale.Per each contract may also be taken into account: the presence of furniture
specific clauses;
of other methods of release. In those agreements
authorities, which identify the minimum and maximum values \u200b\u200bexpress in euro / sqm useful or, according to local custom, may be provided for special provisions relating to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.
For properties under Article. paragraphs 5 and 6 must be followed by means of local supplemental agreements, concluded between the parties and in the manner provided for subsidized contracts.
types of contracts are approved for the property under Article 1, paragraphs 5 and 6 (sub Annex E) and individual properties (Annex F sub).
Leases referred to in this Article shall be entered using only the types of contracts referred to in paragraph 5 above. The contracting parties
may be assisted by their union organizations most representative.

4 (Table costs)

For leases under Articles 1, 2 and Table 3 is adopted charges (Annex G sub).

5 (Tax)

For leases of buildings for residential use located in the municipalities referred to in Article 1 of Decree Law of 30 December 1988, n. 551, ratified by Law 21 February 1989, No 61, entered into or renewed under the provisions of ' article 2, paragraph 3, of Law December 9, 1998, No 431 , following di Accordo definito in sede locale e nel rispetto delle condizioni fissate dal presente decreto, nonché ai contratti di cui agli articoli 1, comma 3, e 5, comma 2, della medesima legge n. 431 del 1998 , si applica la disciplina fiscale di cui ai seguenti commi.
Il reddito imponibile dei fabbricati locati, determinato ai sensi dell’articolo 34 del testo unico delle imposte sui redditi, approvato con decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 22 dicembre 1986, n. 917, è ulteriormente ridotto del 30 per cento, a condizione che nella dichiarazione dei redditi relativa all’anno in cui s’intende usufruire della agevolazione, siano indicati gli estremi di registrazione del contratto di locazione, nonché l’anno di presentazione della denuncia dell’immobile ai fini dell’imposta comunale sugli immobili e il comune di ubicazione dello stesso.
In sede di prima applicazione del decreto e fino all’eventuale aggiornamento periodico eseguito ai sensi dell’articolo 8, comma 4, della citata legge n. 431 del 1998, la base imponibile per la determinazione dell’imposta di registro è assunta nella misura del 70 per cento del corrispettivo annuo pattuito.
In relazione a quanto stabilito dall’
art. 10 della citata legge 431 del 1998 e dall’art. 13-ter del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 22 dicembre 1986 n. 917, ai conduttori titolari of leases of real estate used as a residence for the principal use of the same, entered into or renewed pursuant to ' art. 2, paragraphs 3 and 4 and 's art. 4 paragraphs 2 and 3 , of \u200b\u200blaw No. 431 of 1998, it is a reduction compared to the period of the year in which there is such a destination, in the following amounts:
495.80 Euro, if the total income does not exceed EUR 15,493.71;
247.90 Euro, if the income total does not exceed EUR 30,987.41.

6 (Conciliation Commission)

For all contracts that the decree should be set up commissions of conciliation in relation to and in the manner set out in Annexes types of contracts.

7 (Effective date of mandatory contract types)

1. The adoption of the types of attachments contract becomes compulsory in areas relevant to them, as from the definition of such agreements by the territorial organizations of the property and construction of the conductors. Until the above definition, the contracts are concluded on the basis of agreements already in force and integrated territorial.

Rome, September 6, 2002

Source: SICET - Tenants' Union House and Land


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