Among these, in addition to other already proposed earlier in this blog, I feel compelled to mention an important figure in our musical history.
From the 'Land of the Sun', the Neapolitan Peppino Gagliardi was one of the leading exponents of melodic, a singer and an author in some ways still unsurpassed, characterized by a refinement and a very fine poetry.
Peppino Gagliardi begins his career as a singer with a complex that bears his name, just Gagliardi.
After this brief parenthesis, became a soloist in 1963 achieved an initial success with the song "I love you and love thee" (other important titles like "I'll ask your forgiveness," "is no one 'to ppo understood", "This night I did not cry, "I believe you," are published between 1963 and 1965). After a period of unfair
anonymity, though he had successfully participated in many festivals in Naples earlier, in the early 70s finally found the right moment and the deserved praise and recognition at national level.
free of links with other record companies, the artist focuses on his own compositional activity looking recognizable style of music.
record label, King, owned by Aurelio Fierro, manages to engage and ensure full freedom to the musician music.
His tune will change and become, in contrast to its recent past, more complex.
The artistic collaboration with his lyricist historian, Gaetano Amendola, consolidates the most, but there are also collaborations with other artists such as Roberto Murolo, idol of Neapolitan music and voice.
The 45s "September" (1970), which ranked second important event in addition to 'A Hard for Summer', sells many copies. The musician
Napoletano 'replicate' with the next successes "Drops of Sea", "I love you so", "Always ... always," all songs that become part of the beautiful album "A year ... a lot of love stories" of 1971.
Another really good song will be "How the Violets" (which returns to the Festival of Sanremo in 1972, finishing in second place, selling many copies, in 2006 reinterpreted by Giuliano Palma & the Ska Bluebeaters) and "Like a boy "(winning the run, but then only the second in Sanremo in '73).
The audience cheers, the music critic specializing judgeth the negative lyrics and melodies composed of some similarities, although songs like "The Ballad of man in more" and "sparrow" , dal 'poliziottesco' groove ritmico composto da basso e batteria , risultano brani di 'rottura' , estranei e con sonorità variegate , così come la 'cover' dal titolo "Love story" .
Il suo modo di porgere le sue interpretazioni , gli procurano l'appellativo di 'Aznavour Italiano' , anche se ovviamente le tematiche sono differenti .
Peppino Gagliardi partecipa alle più importanti manifestazioni e trasmissioni televisive dell'epoca , vedendolo quasi sempre assoluto protagonista .
Caratterizzato da raffinatezza interpretativa ed un timbro canoro 'nervoso' (come venne definito in quel periodo) , Gagliardi era allora in realtà un personaggio apparentemente timido ed introverso , piuttosto schivo nell'affrontare audiences, a antidive in all respects.
In 1974, after he signed with Philips, released two albums within a year, "Wanderer of the Truth" and "Quanno figlieto chiagne and go 'sings ..." , Are two other peaks and an artistic point of arrival for the singer.
The hit single "My poem" shows even more in a refined interpretation of the high command of his songs.
The first of the two albums mentioned above gives a fairly good success with songs of relief among them "If you called me" and the song of the same name that headline in the longplaying.
The project related to the second album released in '74 is rather risky, because the height of its popularity nazionale , Gagliardi dedica un intero album alle proprie radici , dal titolo "Quanno figlieto chiagne ..." , musicando in chiave moderna alcuni poeti partenopei del passato .
In seguito si dedica alla creazione di una propria etichetta discografica la PG Record , pubblicando dal 1976 al 1980 tre propri album , producendo e cercando di lanciare nuovi artisti e cantanti .
Dalla fine degli anni settanta iniziarono anche a diradarsi le sue apparizioni non solo discografiche , ma anche televisive , periodo che culminò con la decisione di allontanarsi dalla sua Napoli nel 1981 .
Gli anni '80 vedono l’uscita dell’album "Amore … Ammore" , con diverse partecipazioni in ambito televisivo in varie trasmissioni per la promozione .
The results are not favorable record, far from the clamor of the first half of the '70s, so Gagliardi induce a departure from the recording scene for a few years, dedicated to specific projects, such as the composition of music theater and other side projects, although continuing the live in Italy and abroad.
After an album in 1984 with arrangements by Peppe Vessicchio, the Neapolitan artist decides to move away from the music scene before returning in 1993 with the participation of the San Remo song "Dawn" that is inserted in the album "The Journey" published by Ricordi record.
The separation from the musical, however, remains sino al 2003 , anno in cui decide di riproporsi in concerti a due pianoforti e voce , accompagnato dal figlio Massimiliano , collaborazione 'familiare' che ha prodotto e dato alle stampe l'antologico cd " La mia storia , la mia musica , tutto continua ..." , revisitazioni contemporanee dei suoi successi con un paio di inediti , uscito nel 2007 .
Un'Artista oggi trascurato , una carriera costellata da moltissimi album , singoli di successo , partecipazioni televisive , un glorioso passato per un indimenticabile melodico , PEPPINO GAGLIARDI è riuscito nell'intento di trovare il giusto equilibrio tra la tradizione della Musica Melodica Italiana con quella popolare Napoletana , tramite l'impiego di elaborati refrain molto orecchiabili e mai rates. A deliberately post
hopelessly nostalgic and confidential, mindful of seasons now too far away.
I invite you to listen and slow to an eventual 'cheek to cheek'.
incurable romantic.
"... and just cry my eyes ..."
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