Monday, March 7, 2011

Adult Film Graphic Design

investigation on the precariousness of women's work in Catania

The circle city \u200b\u200bof the future re-establishment of the Communist Party - Federation of the left symbolically chose the date of 8 March to launch the second part of the investigation on the precariousness of women in Catania, a campaign that aims to analyze the territory, the shapes of the growing insecurity and subordination of women in the workplace.

What we are now being proposed as the economic crisis is a real crisis of civilization, from which it is necessary to bring out the many contradictions and subjectivity of the different conflict . The conditions of lavoro precario precludono la possibilità di organizzare i tempi personali e le scelte affettive, evidenziando come, a livello globale, il conflitto tra capitale e lavoro assuma forme nuove e molteplici, disvelando il violento avanzare di un conflitto tra capitale e vita.
Poiché le donne sono drammaticamente coinvolte in questi processi, crediamo che si debba “partire da sé”, dall’esperienza concreta di ciascuna, per tentare di “mettere in crisi” il “capitalismo in crisi” ed opporsi alle sue devastanti conseguenze.
Le analisi e le pratiche delle donne assumono in questo senso un ruolo centrale per analizzare la realtà e cercare di trasformarla, costruendo un immaginario sociale altro, not only as the breaking up precarious employment status but as an existential condition. Some years ago, starting from their own experiences and stories of ordinary precariousness "shared by many other women, companions of the club have made a future city videoinchiesta the precariousness of women in Catania, from pubs to call centers, to school and Ateneo Catania: precarious subjectivity that, through the instrument of investigation and dell'autonarrazione, from their lives forever crushed in a breath and present, between needs and wants, try unifying experience of struggle, by focusing on the wishes and demands concerning the life.
In a society of capitalist globalization, which devotes more time obsession of a greedy and compulsive consumption, retail chains and multinational companies and franchises are, especially in a world marked by unemployment dramatically as that of Catania, one of the areas which workers flock to the most eagerly awaited, especially women. In a constant state of uncertainty, is interwoven figure "traditional" job so dear to the patriarchy and the new forms of global insecurity.
In the face of further insecurity of lives, it becomes increasingly necessary to try to understand the changes in the subordination of women in the world work and to meet the many in / subordination that often remain isolated, with these objectives, the future city circle starts the second part of the survey on insecurity in the area of \u200b\u200btrade, structured experience through self-narration, questionnaires and informal meetings.


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