Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spider Solitaire Xp Version

dedica privata floreale

was looking for the right words but I have found. Not a matter of some economic value or sentimental, but just the words, letters, graphemes and individual spaces, because it is through writing that he and I first crossed and then we met. We read each other, observed and studied.
Sebivo the charm of his writing, I let myself be enveloped by his stories and his fairy-tale dream world and at times: I was struck by his torment underground, muffled and stifled a cry of pain underwear e profondo di chi non vuole rassegnarsi al Fato ma non scorge altra via d'uscita, il suo animo sensibile che amplificava a dismisura le emozioni e i sentimenti provati, vissuti e perduti. 
Ma poi non potevo non notare quella vena ironica e sarcastica sempre camuffata da un atteggiamento all'apparenza svagato e distratto, quella sorta di nucleo coriaceo e pragmatico che gli consentiva in qualche modo di andare sempre avanti al di là di tutto il resto.
E le sue mani grandi e legnose che stringono con infinita dolcezza le mie, i nostri corpi vicini che si sfiorano attraverso le spalle e le braccia, dove il silenzio viene coperto dal battito dei cuori, dal pulsare del sangue nelle vene, dal calore ovattato del  contatto pelle a pelle.
Parole scritte che ogni volta aggiungono una tessera al mosaico che a tratti sembrano un fiume in piena, tante parole che svelano di noi, della nostra vita, dei nostri desideri.
Ci sono giorni in cui cerco di guardarmi attraverso i suoi occhi come se fossi davanti ad uno specchio, per cercare di carpire quei dettagli, quelle qualità che lui vedeva in me e che non mancava di esprimermi.
Perché fa piacere, fa star bene sentirsele dire le cose, e lui lo fa in modo meraviglioso.
"Pavese diceva che scrivere è come ballare, ma io credo che leggere certe cose sia come fare l'amore; e non ho vergogna a confessare che certi epistolari mi hanno gratificato emozionalmente much of certain sexual relations. "
's why I was looking for the right words, but I have found. But when I noticed that Anastasia, my gardenia, after two years of silence has a blossoming flower I could not help but think of him when I smell the smell that emanated intense and intoxicating. Why, even though he eschews certain formalities related to the elegance of dress, I would see it well with a gardenia pinned to his lapel flower jacket a bit of a 'lived, to play with irony on the figure of "bon vivant, a man devoted to worldly pleasures and enjoyment" of the '20s as some figures of 900 remained in the collective imagination.
This flower Gardenia is my dedication to you.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Read Online

altre voci

Struck by the graphical beauty of this poster I followed the thread of curiosity and I found that advertises a show where the protagonist is a gay choir, more precisely the New York City Gay Men's Chorus .
High rock opera is a spectacle of highly theatrical, provocative, funny and unapologetic, designed to get people to talk about the deleterious effects on the relations resulting from the use of methamphetamine, especially to Chrystal meth. Here More info for those interested.
looking for some news about them through the tube , I found an interesting series of videos, including this audience that I have ripped more than a smile, because the atmosphere between the players and the public is that of true fellowship and fun.

Even in Italy there is a gay choir, the Komos , founded by Paul V. Montanari, based in Bologna, which I followed for a while 'the vicissitudes, which bear witness once more as all that gay culture is the light of day in our country face always difficult to find a way of implementation. I have no first-hand news on the latest developments and projects, usually keep me updated through their website: Komos project.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lincoln Mkx Pour Sims 2

José Saramago_1922 - 2010

People like this, like this one Mr. Jose, wherever you encounter them, occupy their time, or as long as they believe the remains of life, to collect [... ] likely to do something we might call metaphysical angst, perhaps because they can not stand the idea of \u200b\u200bchaos as a single principle that governs the universe, and therefore, with their strengths and weaknesses without the help of God, tentano di mettere un certo ordine nel mondo, e per un po' di tempo ci riescono pure, ma solo finché possono difendere la propria collezione, perché quando arriva il giorno in cui questa si disperde, e quel giorno arriva sempre, o per morte, o per stanchezza del collezionista, tutto ritorna all'inizio, tutto ritorna a confondersi.

[...] lo spirito umano spesso prende decisioni di cui dimostra non conoscere le cause.

La pelle è tutto quanto vogliamo che gli altri vedano di noi, sotto la pelle neanche noi stessi riusciamo a sapere chi siamo [...] perché le vite sono come i quadri, avremo sempre bisogno di guardarle facendo quattro passi indietro, anche if one day we got to touch the skin, smell it, to delight.

Solitude, José, solemnly declared the conservative, has never been a good company, great sadness, the great temptations and great mistakes are almost always the result of being alone in life without a friend prudent to turn to for advice when something disturbs us more than normal every day.

Only the dead are gods forever.

From " All Names" by Jose Saramago