Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Vendola illegally authorizing the waste incinerator Marcegaglia

Let's say a leftist in a region
where has swept despite information and want to adverse
of the nomenklatura, decides that an operation that
not only be in defiance of its own pre-election declared intentions,
but also face the game of Confindustria and work around the law ... ie directives

Let's say that policy is called Niki Vendola.

you would do that?

Isa Antonacci and Maria Rosaria Ferguson

Many have believed and hoped that maybe the incinerator
Marcegaglia in the province of Foggia (town Paglia) no longer had
but the reality is quite different. The official ruling is
been made without right of appeal: the system "to be done" and
enough. Never mind if the 'authorization process is clearly illegal and if
' s plant will spit in the air without interruption of captains, and
whole 'year, dioxins and carcinogenic chemical poisons avalanche.
The Department all 'ecology of Puglia offered
approval for construction. In fact, April 15, 2010 was held
l’ultima conferenza di servizi: presenti l’ assessorato all’ecologia,
l’ Arpa Puglia, il consorzio di bonifica, i comuni di Manfredonia e
Cerignola, (unico ente che ha dato parere negativo all’ impianto insieme
ad Alleanza Popolare per Cerignola), l’amministrazione provinciale di
Foggia, la Prefettura di Foggia, l’autorità di bacino, Alleanza Popolare
per Cerignola, il Settore Rifiuti e Bonifiche e naturalmente la società rappresentata da Roberto Garavaglia. Insomma chi dovrebbe in teoria
protect public health, agriculture and the economy is ready to do anything
to ensure the absolute goodness of the deal made with Marcegaglia
public money. The most directly concerned, ie to the residents
Borgo Tressanti - represented by 'Youth for Cultural Aassociazione
Environment - once again not been invited to the technical. Of course, even if not all guests attended the event. Were absent: the agriculture sector AUSL Foggia (Office
Parchi e tutela delle Biodiversità), e i comuni di Foggia, OrtaNova,
Carapellle, Zapponeta. Presidente Vendola come mai a cittadine e
cittadini destinati a subire sulla propria pelle il pericoloso inquinamento
è stata negata la possibilità di manifestare una motivata contrarietà a
questo impianto altamente inquinante, altamente tossico per la salute e l’ambiente? Tra l’altro l’ impianto ha subito un ulteriore modifica per
tanto non osiamo immaginare quanti rifiuti bruceranno. I “politici” eletti
where the people are in need? Associations
when you need to defend the territory, agriculture and health
citizens and consumers?


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