Monday, March 29, 2010

Edu Science Telescope 600 Power

Così è, se vi pare

I had a nice post about ready in my mind, that's maybe not really that great for the contents, but still, after all this time I wanted to go back to make me feel. Then tonight blogspot a bit 'crazy and did not let me edit the post as I wanted, so finally I put it in stad-by in the draft with the idea to finish it later.
Then I got the idea from looking bad election results and the mood has come under the shoes, non sicuramente per il responso della mia regione, nel Veneto era così scontato che Zaia facesse il pigliatutto che l'altro giorno svuotando la posta di tutto il materiale elettorale mi sono accorto che, tra i vari  Lega e PDL l'unico partito di opposizione a fare un po' pubblicità elletorale era l'UDC, partito politico che mi provoca l'orticaria.
Insomma da queste parti il PD ha fatto di tutto per far passare la voglia ai propri elettori abituali e ad altri potenziali di esprimersi in suo favore, prima di tutto imponendo un candidato che non piace a nessuno e che dimostrava in modo piuttosto palese che di partecipare non gli importava una cippa lessa. La tentazione di far parte del grosso numero degli astenuti è stata forte, Then I decided to vote anyway, just to give a preference vote to the directors as there is still possible to do from a list of eligible candidates.
But it was not what I wanted to speak, but the catastrophic situation of two regions which, at the time of writing, are now given for lost. The Lazio I had already some doubts before, but we still play the result always the wire, but what I regret is precisely the response of the Piedmont, because I'm sorry as hell for Bresso, which is one of the few policies with I like balls. Of course, those 10,000 votes difference on just over 2 million are annoying, especially in light of those 90,000 votes gleaned from the third wheel 5 stelle.Resta representative of the movement to end this feeling of a country still divided in half stop more and more about their positions without the will to be a team for the good of all. Dell'exlpoi League that much I am not surprised nor do I care, because that is taking the elephantine size of the traditional parties with all their limitations, and from here on will start losing support in that it includes many votes on himself protest that can not be sure since forever, sooner or later begin to disappoint more than any of his. I am happy with the result of Vendola, mostly because I hope to serve as a lesson to those who enjoy trombones PD to do tricks of high politics , first of all the mustache with the haughty airs, I just hope that we should not always wait for the natural course of life to get rid of certain people.

All right, let us look a bit 'around and see what happens in the world.

not for us this is a shocking news, as reported by some site of the parish, but still, after all those who deny or confirm that grind every now and then someone can not do well .
admit that the golden age of its success the I found pricey but no more, he played a lot on its Latin component to me has no hold on my heart as it faces north, I would certainly not thrown away but I would not have even done crazy things for him.
But today I find it very fascinating, because the arrogance of twenty years is gone and in his eyes there is an aura of maturity mixed with calm, typical of people who arrive at a certain stage of their lives, and pull some amount take a series of decisions: it is the serenity that comes from experience and that will help you give a damn about what you can not, or you can not, be, have or do.
And then when I see him embraced the her children can not help but melt into a feeling of tenderness.

Behold, I am of the view that the courage to decide on coming out through a public letter, it is also depended upon by these children, because when you have children, especially if so desired and you want, everything else becomes secondary and you think first of all to their happiness. And if a person is happy in is a better parent for her children. I peeked a little 'the letter but I plan to read it better, I really like the ending even if I really agree with the translation I found.

I am proud to say that i am a lucky man homosexual. I am very blessed to be who I am . (I am proud to say that a homosexual lucky. I consider myself blessed in being what they are).
otherwise I would translate that blessed as it contains also the meaning of enjoy being (to a certain criterion), but I leave to those more versed than me in English the last word on this.
Thanks to all who have passed in this period to see if I was still alive or if by chance I ran into the land of Spain with a few brave young man abandoning goats, cabbage and stuffed animals to their fate. Unfortunately no, I'm still here, but there are very frequent.


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