Friday, April 24, 2009

Sealy Queen Concierge

ruined walls and the appearance of mold

Summary table on the description of

phenomena of degradation of the walls
(Source: University of Reggio Calabria, Faculty of Engineering)

Identification of diseases and possible rehabilitation interventions:

A) External Causes confined environment:
- A.1. Direct causes: infiltration (from wet environments)
- A.2. Underlying causes: rising damp or lateral pressure (from
humid environment).

B) causes internal confined environment

A.1.1 - direct infiltration by water, "white"


broken water pipes carriers or distribution of water by heating, deterioration of the sealing layers of coverage, wall cracks, poor sealing of windows, ecc.


efflorescenze, macchie di acqua e/o di umidità di tipo radiale, tendono ad asciugare ed a riproporsi (per interruzionemomentanea della causa), esfoliazioni sulle pitture murali, danni anche gravi per l’estendersi dell’infiltrazione alle pareti e solai circostanti ed ai piani inferiori, tipica umidità “bianca”, rimossa la causa, il risanamento risulta radicale e duraturo.

individuazione esatta della causa, anche con indagini estese, e rimozione della stessa, rifacimento delle tinteggiature o rivestimenti.

A.1.2 - Water Leaks directed by "black"

broken exhaust pipe, connection and disconnection of the grafts horizontal and vertical


effects and limited damage on the radial walls as in the case A.1.1 but with humidity "black" because of the dissolved organic matter, because even after removal of the walls remain permanently deteriorated, and substantial damage to lower floors


timely identification and removal of the case the same, and almost always need revising portions of the plaster and masonry involved.

A.2.1 - Humidity for lateral pressure of earth against walls

perimeter walls directly in contact with earthworks and buried, no cavities


effects extended to large portions of walls with low prevalence areas, seasonal events and dependent on seasonal rainfall


removal of land in appoggio ed interventi di impermeabilizzazione della faccia esterna del muro; creazione di contropareti esterne o interne; ventilazione delle intercapedini create;

A.2.2 - Umidità ascendenti

assorbimento per risalita
capillare dai piani terra e cantinati in funzione della pressione idrica esterna e sottostante; effetti simili, ma di diversa geometria ed estensione, dei casi A;


- effetti e segni estesi orizzontalmente e perimetralmente;
- efflorescenze also on the floor or just from the commissures impermeable floor;
- detachment of ceramic glazes and grinding media.
The climb on the walls and floors depends upon the extent of evaporating surface and the existing water pressure.


interposition of barriers to ascent to the base of the wall (expensive interventions), training of ventilated crawl spaces, removal and replacement of plaster with plaster osmotic (expensive) or age-skirting of evaporation; controparetine ventilated every remedy that promotes high evaporation; i rimedi possono essere cumulativi o radicali; i tentativi di arginare per copertura, in genere, aggravano il fenomeno e lo spostano nel tempo.

B) Cause interne all’ambiente confinato: le condense

B.1. - Condense

si manifestano sui ponti termici per abbassamento differenziato delle temperature ed in presenza di alte concentrazioni di vapore acqueo; ermeticità dei serramenti; scarsa ventilazione dei locali; il vapore raggiunge il “punto di rugiada” e causa la formazione di goccie d’acqua.


location Mainly on thermal bridges (floors and pillars in reinforced concrete, proximity of openings) to the north wall and the upper parts with little or sunshine, painting with the formation of non-breathable film insulating environments with easy saturation Water vapor (bathrooms, kitchens, laundries); the effects on the walls are mold and lichens

extraction, air supply and / or ventilation;

heating environments;

protection (Water vapor) and thermal insulation of thermal bridges and walls to the north; mold paints and coatings or breathable insulation.


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