Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bulldogs With Aspiration Pneumonia

The Asa_Ashel's Family

Dear readers, friends, flatterers, footballers, debtors, in short, dear all, given the enthusiasm with which you entered the competition launched decinaia of thousands in the previous post, Name Desperately Searching , I think time to take stock of the situation and draw conclusions.
I never expected it to take this bloody battle between the participants with no holds barred to the sound of names, various insults and epithets, each one referring to their secret source, who's ex-boyfriends, whom the first edition of the calendar I guess Friar, who has gone to the extreme by going to dig into their past lives in search the names of both mothers-hate.
So, ultimately, restricts the shortlist in my sole discretion, is the time of the official debut of the new arrival and his name. The exception should not be sad, however, will still stuffed in my life, so sooner or later other names come in handy.
To thank you for your participation, I decided to enjoy the privilege of knowing the members of my family happy and colorful, very queer, soft toys and cuddly. You will find, below, a nice card with a nice photo and many small pieces of information to satisfy your curiosity.
Thanks again to everyone.











The Asa_Ashel's Family

Friday, January 22, 2010

Star Wars Wedding Packages

Cercasi nome disperatamente

Lui è l'ultimo arrivato in Bannet home and do not have a name yet. He had sneaked illegally in my shopping basket just before Christmas, all while I was busy browsing the aisles of 'Hyper.
He looked at me, when I found out, with his eyes from cuddly orphan by barr barr Pelosin with the small trunk, grinding his teeth every now and then with those two cows a bit 'protruding and I, who are so good, I could not help but feel your heart melt, even if I had to be attentive to the undercover agents did not see scattered everywhere, as well as the melting heart, that piece of granite that was under, hard and shining with satisfaction for it made in spite of a certain minister of bile-green dress, that instead of chasing real criminals, he gets angry with small fish only guilty of being illegal because it is obvious that this is Pelosin be an immigrant, no perilous identification documents.
So I decided and I took it home with me.
The first to join my family and to relax my single status, so long ago now, was Alvaro , blond and curly teddy bear with soft eyes and soft belly. The amike care, but envious, I always took him around because I left in plain sight on the couch, only to play more than me and because each one of fishwives bathrobe as claimed more attention. It 'came into my life when I went to live on my own and, at times, made me feel a bit' less alone.
few years later came AliceJoe , a moose plush honey-colored with red and blue striped scarf and horns of corduroy, a large Timidone yet delicious and immediately fell in love with Alvaro bear Since when have met are always there to cuddle close close muffled in their world because the moose still has to overcome the trauma of being mistaken for a girl by the manufacturer: at first it appeared rather confused, but then the love of Alvaro's made some forget what happened. He came when I moved into the new house.
In the atmosphere of love cuddling arrived later and Bianchina Rosetta , two teddy breed the species Vintage Handmade , a gift from a dear friend and former colleague: very pretty in their dresses of floral and striped canvas, very delicate so much so that their movements in order to protect the legs are reinforced with a prosthesis to the hock-shaped wooden buttons and are also Lelle them, who believe, not one descriminano unmarried couples in my house!
They came as I finished the major part of furnishing the home, kitchen, bedroom, closet and bathroom. Six months after it was finally assembled the library so I had dreamed of having a proper place to give to my beloved books and the other TV cabinet is part of the living room. Together they arrived and also Ippolito Donkey, a bay colt and a donkey with ash. There are two scamps who enjoy the playful among the bookshelves. I never understood what there is between them, surely a great friendship, but the important thing is that every time I see them I enjoy, because they have very nice and rounded snouts.
pasta instead of a completely different Placido, un cagnolone color crema, strano ibrido tra un bassotto ed uno sharpei, lui è arrivato assieme al bellissimo divano bianco con dormeuse sul cui bracciolo riposa placidamente come fosse appollaiato, con le sue grandi orecchie distese simil-Dumbo con le quali mi piace spesso giocare: lui si lascia bistrattare bonariamente, anche se ogni tanto alza qualche piega dalla fronte per mostare i suoi occhioni sonnolenti che chiedono clemenza. All'altro capo del divano, perchè ogniuno ha necessità dei propri spazi, c'è Boby , cagnolone giapponese in tela bianca e dai lineamenti minimalisti: è arrivato assieme all'uomo con cui ho condiviso più a lungo la dormeuse nelle belle serate romantiche tête a tête: poi se n'è and went for a long time, are no longer able to sit on that couch, so I left my two cagnoloni to guard. And what can we say about Josef , is the baby of the family, to which we must be careful not to schiaccaiarlo error because it is small sneaks in every corner: a teddy bear from the pile, but soft color eggnog, a powder blue striped T-shirt which leaves open the soft belly. E 'shy and speaks little but has a big heart and loves to cuddle. E 'come winter, the cold and the smell of snow in the air, is very similar to that young man for a little' me company during that period.
Amelio somehow it was the toy of awareness, made me realize that in the important moments of my life there was always someone new to them next to me: I chose it as if it was a necessity, because through a long period uncertain where I could not give the right value to my feelings. It was big enough to be able to hug and squeeze and feel the presence soft and desired contact, reddish-brown hair and disheveled. E 'is for the companion of my long nights sleep, all squeezed into a particular position, between my cheek on one side and a hand grabbed the ear of the other side. He made me realize that even with the stuffed animals I have a personal relationship too e per questo non amo affatto che mi siano regalati, tant'è che, dei pochi con i quali è successo, non so nemmeno dove li ho messi, Bianchina e Rosetta escluse, eccezione che conferma la regola, un po' perché l'amica che me le ha regalate mi conosce benissimo, un po' perché sono le uniche femmine della variegata e colorata famiglia Bannet.
Diciamo che io e i miei peluches ci riconosciamo e ci scegliamo per affinità.
Insomma, miei carissimi e appassionati lettori, è giunto il momento che anche voi facciate la vostra parte, datemi qualche suggerimento per il nome di questo ultimo elefantoso arrivato.
Siate fantasiosi, e non abbiate paura di be original, even if you have any suggestions you think of a name that starts with A, as Arpad Miklos ... Um, no, that's the wet dream of Poto, there is no need to upset it existed.

PS this is a semi-serious post, just because someone does not think that the blog, given the recent topics, is taking a china'm down.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vicodin Upset Stomach


the series, " has happened to me."
I read some news articles and distractedly my eye falls on this .
I had almost erased from memory, but it was enough to recall the first lines of the article to get the facts. Two young boys and really nice to know you chat, you like them and began exchanging messages, the site of the first meeting and at a later time via SMS. The situation becomes more enticing and intriguing as one of the two breaks the plunge and send a MMS with pictures still another, that values \u200b\u200band for the sake of peer relationships, he decides to reciprocate with the same picture explicit: it is a something that has never, not for modesty but because he prefers the exchange of certain confidences at shorter distances without electronic frills, or assumed, in between. But at that moment was so natural, a subtle soppisensi that the party had nothing vulgar.
comes a reply message:
"But who are you, what you want from me? Have we met?"
perplexed I read the answer and I wonder if for a split second if I had to do with one of those freaks and a bit 'schizophrenic the much fabled in certain circles.
better control the number of sending and receiving, and I find nothing wrong, no, I reversed the last two digit numbers!
Oh shit, to whom I sent my photo daring one thousand veils in HD quality 1.4 MB?
No fear, I put the personality on the basis diplomatic & accommodating and sending another sms:
"Sorry, I mistyped the last digit of the number, then sending wrong. At least I hope that those who received the photo is an adult. "
few minutes later comes the reply
"No problem, I am an adult, I would say also that they are almost an old girl. Congratulations, however, your photo is a lookout prorpio" .
... are a bit 'confused, do not know if I feel embarrassed for the launch of this new and promising career as porn star, or because they become the sexual fetish masturbatory a quiet old girl.
Not bad, at least you've done a good deed of voluntary ...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Should Runners Take Glucosamine

lettere blue, steamed on a bed of crisp paper.

I stop eating when I'm waiting, and no matter if the smell and the development will be negative or positive. And 'when the heart and the mind does not expect nothing and nobody, not even a desire for novelty, that leaves me a bit' go, as if the food was a necessity to fill physical and mental spaces.
not often, Luckily, somehow I always head full of thoughts that sometimes distract me, sometimes they make me company. Every one learns of what has become a shield to defend himself.
My room is shaped like a cage
and the sun puts his arms out the window
hunters at the door as soldiers

I want to imprison
Leggo these words from a post Gan and the others that follow in her beautiful and free translation from French, listening to the original version of the song of Edith Piaf, and a little 'I identify with as I was so long ago, a life ago, when everything was still unclear and I could not distinguish clearly the boundaries of what was happening to me.
Quant 'was unnerving that expectation, that feeling hanging in limbo because of assumptions and few certainties of that time taken to think about today where everything seems so fast and immediately, I do not know if I could stand it again. Weeks articulated perfectly by working days and holidays, from weekend where everything seemed to revive, and each time, then up again and be filled with hopes and illusions, hoping to meet him again, to know something more about him, searching his eyes and to find in a crowd of people surrounding him. The time did not seem to have enough, and he did not come, the music that helped me a bit DISTRAM ', the long cigarette when I want to talk, but no one to do so.
He was there, along with that of his friend cod cute at all: I see his beautiful blue eyes, the small head with fine features, that beautiful neck that seems made to be kissed. Can not well understand what I feel inside, if I feel jealous of those close to or disappointment because it draws close to me or if I avoid to understand not to suffer. I would hate people like him, come into my life and I scour the soul with a look, take a part of me that I can not control. And then, like all infatuations idealized, I remain just an illusion vanished, a handful of dust which adds up to more dust, in a heap now too large to be swept away by a gust of wind. I would hate people like him, but I can not.
I've waited a long time, there on the track crowded and smoky, intersections of bodies dancing and excited, then I turn and see him, my beautiful love, with those clear eyes that bewitch me, with that well-shaped mouth but always closed, the beautiful neck, her hair shaved. Dressed in tight black, thin, thin, elegant and seductive, his movements slow and never abrupt. We look, we sink each other's eyes, then that blink, quell'aprire eyes as if to see better e quel gioco di luci sul suo viso che gli rendono lo sguardo luminoso e trasparente. E tutto sembra sospeso, un attimo dilatato all'infinito poi, un lieve rossore, quasi impercettibile sugli zigomi, e il suo sguardo da timido che si abbassa, un po' si scosta, ma la mente è lì, ancora guarda me.
Era come vivere in una fiaba, passata la notte tutto spariva, lui, i suoi amici, la maggior parte delle persone che era lì con noi, un autentico numero di prestigio. In quel momento arrivava l'ansia, si apriva un varco nella mia mente che non aveva confini e che riuscivo a contenere solo scrivendo, tante lettere, tante parole messe vicine e strette tra loro per non rischiare di perderne nemmeno una, nemmeno un dettaglio di quello che era stato,  dei momenti con lui, perché era tutto quello che di lui avevo e a cui mi afferravo. Fogli bianchi pieni fitti di inchiostro blu su solchi marcati, diluito da parole che sostituivano in parte lacrime che non volevano scendere.
E' stato allora, forse, che la scrittura, per me, è diventata cibo.
Mi preoccupo solo in un caso, quando smetto di mangiare e di scrivere allo stesso tempo, ma non troppo, credo che la mente e il cuore trovino sempre un' ancora di salvezza, un appiglio a cui afferrarsi.
Oggi, per fortuna, ho imparato a sostituire meno la vita con la scrittura e a viverla un po' di più, ma c'è sempre to learn.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Best Mid-range 5.1 Receiver

The tale of the Onion and Rosemary

n day, not far away, for incidentals or strange twist of fate, they met the onion and rosemary.
They had watched a long time, even if a bit 'at a distance, distracted by other foods, other herbs that somehow tried to find them with a mixture of fragrances and flavors from the delicate balance and, therefore, so difficult to obtain and maintain.
Maybe it was that happened on one occasion both donassero their flavors to make it tasty and delicious taste of a simple bread, fragrant in its own way, always rischiesto and sophisticated, yet always equal to itself and so tiring.
It was on this occasion they both noticed how much their outstanding characteristics tended to blend, softening, somehow, the highest notes, the strong flavors. Were observed for a long time because neither of them showed at first sight of the heart itself, but, unintentionally, their aromas, their voices, talking to them already.
The Onion was thus formed a microcosm of so many layers to offset one for one, like thin veils which hide a heart proud and if the acid is treated with cruelty, but so sweet and delicate as soon as you dissolve the enveloping warmth of a hug. Rosemary looked and moved as soon as its green leaves and sharp as needles, that cloak that covers almost like a shell, not even aware that the heat would have softened his body long, thin and woody, but even that could stop his immobility the intense scent that emanated his heart seemed to cry out loud and his passion.
was like a signal for her strong smell that touched the deepest sense, and could not resist those wrapped in layers usually protected from the cold winds of the soul. He also seemed to find a way to be less rigid, more flexible and it seemed to someone in mind, that even its small leaves have a dynamic motion, almost joyful.
At night, the night and wrapped them in some way from the bottom and was covered, and snow, sudden, and fluffy white flakes lit up their world like so many small lights.
The night was long and magical, somehow suspended in time, their eyes could see were those of the other, they shook hands gently as if to absorb the warmth of that contact. Do not stop dancing and enjoying every single moment and movement as if to write down every detail in the memory.
It was like a dance veils of deviations, such as small needles donated precious gems in a perfect blend and not be repeated.
And so, after the dance at midnight, got something to break the spell, a wind like a gentle breeze at first, then faster and cooler.
The Onion needed to put on his veil, its protections, Rosemary closing your needles, to preserve the body and resist the cold wind property.
The same wind that on certain days brings flavors of sweet and pungent onion and marked notes of rosemary, as if amused to continue the dialogue between their voices.