Monday, December 20, 2010

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The industrial action Sna review

Newsletter Year VIII - n ° 370 - December 20, 2010

Dear Colleagues,
aftermath of the Central Committee of Sna Salerno last April, just after the three Sna uttered by the National President, John Place, it was clear that after the latest attempt to compare gone up in smoke, it opened the path of union mobilization, in fact already announced during the National Congress held on 4 February in Rome, been kept open with the declaration of industrial action. After Salerno, therefore, starts the organizers of a new season trade union, based on the sharing of the state of general excitement in the category. The Commission identifies the industrial action forms of protest, deliberately determined to strike sensitive targets without damaging the interests of customers. In the search for unity of purpose the Executive starts a long tour of Italy stage 11 and from South to North, including the islands, meets the interests of the class.
Divided into twelve major initiatives, the program has three levels: domestic actions, external, and irreversible, all supported by the lobbying continues, mainly geared at raising awareness of the political world, the institutions, Authority, and consumer associations. First stated objective: to promote appropriate legislation. Among the topics to be addressed, even that which seems the most insidious: the report claims / premiums loss ratio is technically defined by economists. Ascertain the truth about the data, investigate to understand the reasons, and not remain silent casualty data out of control, especially in the South, because of the abandonment of the territory by the same insurance companies that cry foul. But Sna will see clearly, but because he wants to defend an occupational area in the interests of consumers, especially those honest, to which they would have to pay the inability companies to maintain a strict relationship with the few crafty left free to raid any casualties, if not in build. Sna about it has already done so, investing professional and economic resources. The Provincial Section of Bari with the Regional Committee Pugliese, have first raised the case and urged the public meeting of July Fools Foxelli "the solution to the problem, suggesting the different initiatives of public interest. But you need to acquire knowledge of what happens beyond the Alps, with the contribution of BiPar, it was learned that within the EU there is no anti-fraud agency, and certainly not for lack of cases. Over 30,000 accidents each year are simulated in Inghilterra per oltre 350 milioni di Sterline (equivalenti a circa 450 milioni di Euro), cosa che ha causato nell’ultimo anno un aumento medio delle polizze di assicurazione auto britanniche di 44 Sterline, (circa 55 Euro).
In Italia la nascita dell’Agenzia antifrode invece fa già parte di un disegno di legge. Il 14 settembre 2010 la Commissione Finanze ha disposto l'abbinamento della proposta di legge C. 3589 Bragantini (Lnp) recante istituzione del Coordinamento nazionale per il contrasto delle frodi assicurative, all'esame congiunto delle altre proposte di legge C. 2699-ter approvata dal Senato, C. 1964 Barbato (Idv), E 3544 Pagano (Pdl), ed è nominato relatore l’On. Francesco Barbato. Angelo Gregorio, Responsabile della Commissione azioni sindacali è certo che ritrovare il giusto equilibrio dei premi significa riaprire il mercato interno, ma anche creare le condizioni di fiducia per il mercato internazionale nel rilascio di nuovi mandati.
Forse utopia, ma vale la pena d’impegnarsi, è del parere Gregorio, che presentando le slide delle azioni si sofferma su una che rappresenta un ingranaggio; in cima al quale, su una rotella campeggia la formula S/P collegata ad un’altra con la formula A/A e più sotto un volano rappresentato dalla Tutela Sna. A significare ciò che si prefigge di raggiungere, oltre il resto, svincolare i rapporti tra Agenti.
Ma veniamo al dunque delle azioni sindacali predisposte dalla Commissione, che doveva mantenere due consideration to alternatives to street protests.
Supported by major law firms, are outlined initiatives that surpass the doubts about the strike, to go to hit strategic targets with the involvement of mass media, traditional and innovative, using communication tools focusing on picture of the agent not to be confused with that enterprise, on the presentation of acts of popular initiative, the use of Authority to the sector. The Sna
there, and is ready for the challenge, aware of the difficulties is going to manifest primarily all'Ania the need to renegotiate the status of insurance agent. Status drawn by the legislature European first and then the national one: independent agent and multi-firm, advisor to the customer and partner of the company directs its innovation development strategies. First goal, therefore, return to the negotiating table, the Association of Companies.
Everything is ready. It starts with a press conference called for Thursday, December 2 in Rome in Piazza Belli, Confcommercio palace, which adheres Sna since 1990. Faced with the political and social debates of the heavy and growing impact of tariffs on consumers RC Cars, mostly caused by a renunciation of the companies to oversee the most complex situations, preferring to transfer the burden on rates, the most uplifting in the EU context, but also with mass cancellations and leaving the territory, without putting any brakes on speculation and outright fraud. For agents who have to deal with over-regulation is added to the uncertainty of their professional position, and the industries of sub-agents, employees and collaborators.
The kickoff of a game that lies ahead is very tough now because, you begin by sending email addressed all'Ania to which they are addressed "5 questions":
an abandonment of the territory: what steps have been taken or intend to take against the companies that abandon the insurance market, particularly with regard to the south, creating serious damage to consumers and create a real social emergency? 2
Liberalisation and increased insurance premiums, because despite the liberalization of the insurance market introduced by the Bersani law has not triggered an effective competitive process between the companies? 3
Insurance fraud: the insurance companies have a policy of effective counter fraud in order to reduce the cost of insurance r. C. Auto, or preferred to transfer the burden on the community? 4 Interdependence
equity: insurance companies often have common directors and officers, cross-shareholdings and multiplication of responsibilities. How do you feel to compensate for this evidente alterazione dei livelli concorrenziali tra le imprese?
5 Mancato confronto con gli agenti: perché l'Ania rifiuta di confrontarsi con gli agenti, per adeguare l'accordo nazionale fra le parti alla normativa attuale?
Si da seguito con la pubblicazione nazionale a pagina intera nel quotidiano Corriere della Sera delle stesse domande accompagnate dal claim: il nostro chiodo fisso.
La campagna stampa intende rompere l’equazione, Agente = Impresa di assicurazioni; volendo affermare lo stutus più simile al libero professionista, concetto ben chiarito alle associazioni dei consumatori, prime alleate, schierate al fianco degli agenti nella rivendicazione della maggiore trasparenza.
Le azioni di primo livello proseguono con un primo esposto all’Antitrust per la verifica anzitutto dei mandati post legge 40/2007. È noto che dopo la Legge Bersani siano nate clausole contrattuali che condizionano la possibilità di operare in plurimandato, riducendone di facto le potenzialità. Su questo tema l’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato sarà chiamata ad esprimersi. Ma non solo, alla stessa autorità Sna chiederà di proseguire nell’accertamento degli intrecci azionari e del management delle imprese di assicurazione, e sui riflessi negativi che si riverberano nel mercato.
Sempre nell’ambito delle azioni di primo livello rientrano: la richiesta delle indennità di liquidazione maturate al 31 dicembre 2010 da tutti gli agenti Italian insurance and the demand to know their positions gained at the Pension Fund Company that the effect of the independent evaluation of the agents, of the Convention, could be diverted to other non-insurance funds management.
Another important initiative is to promote planned protest under the patronage of Sna, after the initial formal notice, a few pilot cases for the claim for compensation of obligations not provided for in the mandates. Many significant activities that took place in practice in agencies without these tasks fall within the mandate of the agency to operate.
While some tests are underway to determine whether firms Insurance rates are free to apply RCA without any constraint, and if you are able to leave without institutional checks, whole regions of the country. But on this issue seems Isvap not insensitive, it is the recent news of the launching of an investigation of inquiry into at least 10 businesses against the possible breach of the contract provided for in our system.
shares the second level, provided by the Committee are externally oriented and as such will start by sending a postcard to the President of the Republic to raise its institutional intervention. Following Sna ask hospitality to the media and in particular Tg at the national, ready to challenge any refusal by the Authority including the public radio and television Rai; into account, inter alia, that the agents collect 90% of the premiums required Rca, plays a tax collection in law enforcement. But above all, to reaffirm the public of the social role in favor of the consumer client agent independent professional, and that is an essential plurimandato wins the consumer should be able to put competing firms in its trusted agent. In this sense, will also be seeking further details of parliamentary questions on time with the Minister of Development Statement.
Also under the actions of a second level, the Commission aims Sna particularly on the effects of the "queen": the petition. Paid to the Chairmen of the House and Senate will aim to raise awareness of the rooms in the discussion of immediate legislative action. As provided by Article 50 of the Constitution all citizens can present petitions to both Houses to request legislative measures or to express needs. 500 000 signatures Objective: Staff members collect only 100 signatures will help to achieve and exceed the rate provided significantly, which means the Commission Sna an increased emphasis by the institutions, puntando alla ridefinizione del ruolo dell’intermediario assicurativo, alla semplificazione amministrativa, alla redditività agenziale. La raccolta delle firme terminerà nella prima decade di marzo con la consegna, presso le Camere, delle firme raccolte. A seguire, manifestazione a Roma e spettacolo di satira sul tema delle assicurazioni.
Le azioni del terzo livello, definite non reversibili, sono sotto l’attento esame della Commissione Azioni sindacali Sna, insieme agli studi legali e fiscali, ma c’è la fiducia di non dover arrivare allo scontro.

Cordiali saluti.

Paolo Bullegas


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