Lui è l'ultimo arrivato in Bannet home and do not have a name yet. He had sneaked illegally in my shopping basket just before Christmas, all while I was busy browsing the aisles of 'Hyper.
He looked at me, when I found out, with his eyes from cuddly orphan by barr barr Pelosin with the small trunk, grinding his teeth every now and then with those two cows a bit 'protruding and I, who are so good, I could not help but feel your heart melt, even if I had to be attentive to the undercover agents did not see scattered everywhere, as well as the melting heart, that piece of granite that was under, hard and shining with satisfaction for it made in spite of a certain minister of bile-green dress, that instead of chasing real criminals, he gets angry with small fish only guilty of being illegal because it is obvious that this is Pelosin be an immigrant, no perilous identification documents.
So I decided and I took it home with me.
The first to join my family and to relax my single status, so long ago now, was Alvaro , blond and curly teddy bear with soft eyes and soft belly. The amike care, but envious, I always took him around because I left in plain sight on the couch, only to play more than me and because each one of fishwives bathrobe as claimed more attention. It 'came into my life when I went to live on my own and, at times, made me feel a bit' less alone.
few years later came AliceJoe , a moose plush honey-colored with red and blue striped scarf and horns of corduroy, a large Timidone yet delicious and immediately fell in love with Alvaro bear Since when have met are always there to cuddle close close muffled in their world because the moose still has to overcome the trauma of being mistaken for a girl by the manufacturer: at first it appeared rather confused, but then the love of Alvaro's made some forget what happened. He came when I moved into the new house.
In the atmosphere of love cuddling arrived later and Bianchina Rosetta , two teddy breed the species Vintage Handmade , a gift from a dear friend and former colleague: very pretty in their dresses of floral and striped canvas, very delicate so much so that their movements in order to protect the legs are reinforced with a prosthesis to the hock-shaped wooden buttons and are also Lelle them, who believe, not one descriminano unmarried couples in my house!
They came as I finished the major part of furnishing the home, kitchen, bedroom, closet and bathroom. Six months after it was finally assembled the library so I had dreamed of having a proper place to give to my beloved books and the other TV cabinet is part of the living room. Together they arrived and also Ippolito Donkey, a bay colt and a donkey with ash. There are two scamps who enjoy the playful among the bookshelves. I never understood what there is between them, surely a great friendship, but the important thing is that every time I see them I enjoy, because they have very nice and rounded snouts.
pasta instead of a completely different Placido, un cagnolone color crema, strano ibrido tra un bassotto ed uno sharpei, lui è arrivato assieme al bellissimo divano bianco con dormeuse sul cui bracciolo riposa placidamente come fosse appollaiato, con le sue grandi orecchie distese simil-Dumbo con le quali mi piace spesso giocare: lui si lascia bistrattare bonariamente, anche se ogni tanto alza qualche piega dalla fronte per mostare i suoi occhioni sonnolenti che chiedono clemenza. All'altro capo del divano, perchè ogniuno ha necessità dei propri spazi, c'è Boby , cagnolone giapponese in tela bianca e dai lineamenti minimalisti: è arrivato assieme all'uomo con cui ho condiviso più a lungo la dormeuse nelle belle serate romantiche tête a tête: poi se n'è and went for a long time, are no longer able to sit on that couch, so I left my two cagnoloni to guard. And what can we say about Josef , is the baby of the family, to which we must be careful not to schiaccaiarlo error because it is small sneaks in every corner: a teddy bear from the pile, but soft color eggnog, a powder blue striped T-shirt which leaves open the soft belly. E 'shy and speaks little but has a big heart and loves to cuddle. E 'come winter, the cold and the smell of snow in the air, is very similar to that young man for a little' me company during that period.
Amelio somehow it was the toy of awareness, made me realize that in the important moments of my life there was always someone new to them next to me: I chose it as if it was a necessity, because through a long period uncertain where I could not give the right value to my feelings. It was big enough to be able to hug and squeeze and feel the presence soft and desired contact, reddish-brown hair and disheveled. E 'is for the companion of my long nights sleep, all squeezed into a particular position, between my cheek on one side and a hand grabbed the ear of the other side. He made me realize that even with the stuffed animals I have a personal relationship too e per questo non amo affatto che mi siano regalati, tant'è che, dei pochi con i quali è successo, non so nemmeno dove li ho messi, Bianchina e Rosetta escluse, eccezione che conferma la regola, un po' perché l'amica che me le ha regalate mi conosce benissimo, un po' perché sono le uniche femmine della variegata e colorata famiglia Bannet.
Diciamo che io e i miei peluches ci riconosciamo e ci scegliamo per affinità.
Insomma, miei carissimi e appassionati lettori, è giunto il momento che anche voi facciate la vostra parte, datemi qualche suggerimento per il nome di questo ultimo elefantoso arrivato.
Siate fantasiosi, e non abbiate paura di be original, even if you have any suggestions you think of a name that starts with A, as Arpad Miklos ... Um, no, that's the wet dream of Poto, there is no need to upset it existed.
PS this is a semi-serious post, just because someone does not think that the blog, given the recent topics, is taking a china'm down.
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